1.   Documentaries focus either too narrowly, on a single personality, or too broadly, trying to survey the whole field.

2.   Hosted by Walter Cronkite, the syndicated documentary focuses in its opening hour on a Cleveland judge who orders teen-age criminals to apologize to their parents and loved ones.

3.   Otherwise the documentary focuses almost entirely on how the movie was made and promoted.

4.   Several documentaries focus on vastly different topics, eccentrics being one.

5.   The documentary will focus instead on battles for roster spots and starting positions.

6.   The documentary focuses on James Byrd Jr., a Texan who was beaten and dragged behind a pickup in the small East Texas town of Jasper.

7.   The documentary focuses on the mysterious process of medical discovery, which requires diligence bordering on obsession.

8.   The documentary also focused on goings-on in the Solapur brothel and its poor living conditions.

n. + focus >>共 1162
talk 4.73%
company 4.34%
investor 2.80%
attention 2.38%
meeting 2.01%
investigation 1.97%
discussion 1.81%
investigator 1.72%
government 1.43%
group 1.32%
documentary 0.11%
documentary + v. >>共 186
be 18.33%
make 3.62%
include 2.49%
show 2.26%
air 2.04%
focus 1.81%
offer 1.81%
give 1.58%
explain 1.36%
capture 1.36%
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