1.   Checketts confirmed the meeting through a spokesman, but would not divulge specifics.

2.   City officials have divulged no specifics about the FBI warnings, saying that publicizing such information undermines their counter-terrorist efforts.

3.   Gingrich told his colleagues to tell the truth about the reform plan, but did not divulge any specifics.

4.   He did not go beyond the city requirements and release copies of his tax returns or divulge specifics about how much he earns and pays in taxes.

5.   Several attorneys general said they were encouraged by the progress made today, although they declined to divulge specifics.

6.   The Gore aides would not divulge specifics, saying that would be tantamount to handing Bradley their strategy.

v. + specific >>共 124
give 19.57%
discuss 18.58%
offer 15.67%
provide 12.16%
disclose 2.29%
reveal 2.06%
release 1.68%
address 1.61%
know 1.53%
avoid 1.53%
divulge 0.46%
divulge + n. >>共 140
detail 23.58%
information 12.22%
name 8.95%
content 6.39%
secret 5.26%
identity 2.56%
source 2.41%
plan 2.41%
figure 1.85%
amount 1.56%
specific 0.85%
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