1.   Some arms proliferation specialists said it would undermine the U.S. position in asking other countries not to divert material from their civilian nuclear programs into bombs.

2.   Stealing or diverting such material, while possible, would likely demand extensive resources.

3.   The agency is responsible for inspecting civilian nuclear plants to verify that no materials are being diverted to military uses.

4.   The International Atomic Energy Agency acknowledges that it cannot always detect when those materials are diverted or lost by processing plants, he adds.

5.   Agency inspectors monitor declared amounts of plutonium as one way of trying to establish whether nuclear material is being diverted from peaceful to military uses.

6.   Agency inspectors monitor declared plutonium amounts as one way of trying to establish whether nuclear material is being diverted from peaceful to military use.

7.   Delegates to an international nuclear conference on Monday urged swift adoption of a test ban treaty and other measures to ensure nuclear materials cannot be diverted for weapons.

8.   North Korea is believed to have diverted enough materials to make at least one atomic bomb.

9.   Whether Iran is diverting nuclear material from its civilian power plants to a weapons program is a matter of dispute.

10.   But Pyongyang created a crisis earlier this month by refusing to allow international supervision to determine if material had been diverted from the Yongbyon complex for military use.

v. + material >>共 878
use 6.31%
contain 3.96%
include 2.20%
carry 1.90%
provide 1.90%
distribute 1.84%
produce 1.64%
find 1.64%
remove 1.52%
sell 1.43%
divert 0.33%
divert + n. >>共 331
attention 20.84%
money 8.27%
flight 6.01%
traffic 5.56%
fund 5.16%
plane 4.76%
water 4.31%
resource 2.51%
plutonium 2.00%
ship 1.25%
material 0.90%
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