1.   In other circumstances the market may be distorted without any deceit or false or misleading impression being involved.

2.   Critics of price caps say they distort the market, discourage consumers from conserving and add, not stability, but greater uncertainty to the market.

3.   However, a fire sale may be sufficiently intense and widespread that it seriously distorts markets and elevates uncertainty enough to impair the overall functioning of the economy.

4.   In short, distorting the market may please some constituencies now, but it will bring serious consequences down the road.

5.   Opponents say they would distort the market and remove an incentive for power companies to build more plants.

6.   Protectionism distorts markets, hurts importers, kills jobs, and sows distrust between nations.

7.   That tends to distort the market.

8.   The Bush administration has opposed price restraints on electricity, arguing that they distort the market.

9.   The Bush administration has also opposed any price restraints on electricity, arguing that they distort the market.

v. + market >>共 614
close 14.81%
open 5.86%
enter 4.32%
dominate 3.00%
hit 2.75%
lead 2.60%
flood 2.03%
reach 1.59%
boost 1.28%
affect 1.25%
distort 0.14%
distort + n. >>共 252
competition 4.48%
record 4.08%
fact 3.95%
truth 3.82%
reality 3.16%
figure 2.90%
market 2.50%
image 2.11%
position 1.98%
history 1.84%
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