1.   They had the distended bellies and glazed eyes of famine.

2.   ...an infant with a distended belly.

3.   She was extremely thin, with a distended belly characteristic of starvation and a large clump of hair missing from her head, according to court papers.

4.   They paint their distended bellies with fanciful patterns and hang photographs of themselves around the classroom, which is practically clean enough to eat off the floor.

5.   While children with distended bellies haunt the streets, these two look like they have not missed a meal.

6.   A few children have the distended bellies of malnutrition, their heads appearing too large over thin chests.

7.   Foreign officials who recently visited North Korea reported seeing children with distended bellies, jutting rib cages and skinny limbs deformed by rickets.

a. + belly >>共 122
big 5.81%
full 5.81%
pregnant 4.15%
swollen 4.15%
bloated 3.73%
distended 2.90%
bulging 2.90%
ample 2.49%
white 2.49%
round 2.07%
distended + n. >>共 19
belly 24.14%
stomach 13.79%
abdomen 6.90%
colon 3.45%
cylinder 3.45%
earlobe 3.45%
epilogue 3.45%
eye 3.45%
follicle 3.45%
monologue 3.45%
每页显示:    共 7