1.   As to importance, biological weapons should now be the most serious concern, with nuclear weapons second and chemicals a distant third.

2.   Being an Afghan is a distant third.

3.   A distant third.

4.   A second opposition challenger, left-of-center Cuauhtemoc Cardenas is running a distant third.

5.   A third candidate, Sue Harris DeBauche of the Reform Party, finished a distant third.

6.   A.J. Jett was second, Fu Man Slew a distant third.

7.   Alexander was a distant third, barely ahead of Steve Forbes.

8.   After the acquisition, USA Waste still will run a distant third to BFI and WMX, however, which have far more extensive international operations.

9.   Alan Keyes was running a distant third.

10.   Alexander was a distant third, ahead of Steve Forbes.

a. + third >>共 185
distant 15.06%
northern 12.96%
eastern 7.17%
finishing 5.48%
last 3.46%
strong 3.30%
final 3.06%
finished 2.98%
top 2.98%
first 2.90%
distant + n. >>共 744
third 5.71%
relative 5.04%
memory 4.61%
cousin 3.79%
past 3.27%
second 3.12%
place 1.89%
galaxy 1.74%
object 1.74%
dream 1.53%
每页显示:    共 186