1.   This was because of delayed transit in the distal oesophagus in patients compared with controls.

2.   In normal oesophageal mucosa the distribution of EGF does not alter from proximal to distal oesophagus.

3.   Nutcracker oesophagus was defined as high amplitude contractions in the distal oesophagus, which may be prolonged but with normal peristaltic progression.

4.   Several factors are responsible for recurrent exposure of the distal oesophagus to gastric contents and the subsequent development of reflux oesophagitis.

5.   Compared with the proximal oesophagus, the median duration of oesophageal contractions and the median area under the pressure curve were also higher in the distal oesophagus.

6.   With placebo treatment, the duration of contraction was higher in the distal oesophagus, a finding that confirms earlier studies in healthy volunteers.

7.   A Gastrografin swallow showed an occlusion of the distal oesophagus.

8.   These contraction sequences were associated with long periods of increased baseline pressure in the distal oesophagus.

a. + oesophagus >>共 14
distal 21.28%
lower 21.28%
human 14.89%
normal 8.51%
proximal 6.38%
columnar 4.26%
lined 4.26%
mammalian 4.26%
squamous 4.26%
inflamed 2.13%
distal + n. >>共 38
edge 18.18%
colon 11.36%
oesophagus 11.36%
end 5.68%
bowel 4.55%
splenorenal 3.41%
arm 2.27%
direction 2.27%
disease 2.27%
colitis 2.27%
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