1.   The radial shields are usually covered although in some specimens it is possible to see the outline of distal end.

2.   In this subject the stomach is crescent shaped and the pylorus can be seen as an incisure at its distal end.

3.   The distal end of the intestinal segment was connected via a plastic tube to a basin on the plate.

4.   The distal end of the ileum was brought out as an ileostomy and sutured to the skin with interrupted stitches.

a. + end >>共 474
defensive 19.11%
the 13.49%
very 2.39%
far 2.19%
high 2.16%
front 1.93%
immediate 1.87%
southern 1.83%
receiving 1.82%
low 1.78%
distal 0.05%
distal + n. >>共 38
edge 18.18%
colon 11.36%
oesophagus 11.36%
end 5.68%
bowel 4.55%
splenorenal 3.41%
arm 2.27%
direction 2.27%
disease 2.27%
colitis 2.27%
每页显示:    共 5