1.   The two diseases have a number of characteristics in common.

2.   The disease has no cure, but a number of palliatives exist.

3.   The traditional view that EATCL is a complication of coeliac disease is supported by new immunohistochemical evidence that both diseases have similar subsets of intestinal mucosal T cells.

4.   Thus, the commonly encountered cardiovascular diseases have, as their immediate underlying aetiology, thrombosis of critically sited blood vessels with loss of blood flow to vital organs.

5.   The disease has infected animals in at least ten US zoos and can spread through rodents.

6.   And while homosexuals here have become knowledgeable about AIDS, the disease has never had the politicizing effect that it has had in America.

7.   A fatal tropical disease has infected large numbers of foxhounds in the United States.

8.   Africans, and indeed all people in poor countries where the disease has a grip, should be shouting out about these things.

9.   Breast cancer research, for example, receives four times the federal funding, even though the diseases have similar death rates.

10.   But many life-threatening diseases now have cures.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
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disease 0.03%
disease + v. >>共 333
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cause 5.34%
affect 2.93%
kill 2.72%
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occur 1.62%
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