1.   These discoveries raise intriguing questions about the relationship between viral genes and the normal genes of the cell.

2.   But he suggested their discovery raised legitimate questions.

3.   Nonetheless, the new discoveries clearly raise as many questions as they answer.

4.   The discovery raises many other questions.

5.   The discovery raises questions about the present taxonomic division of the species.

6.   The discovery raises the possibility that the Al-Qaida terrorists in Afghanistan had links to the Somalia warlords who attacked the American forces.

7.   The discovery also raised hopes that the genes contributing to diabetes can be studied in worms, which are far easier to work with than humans.

8.   The discovery raises serious questions about new Agriculture Department regulations under which companies -- not government inspectors -- are expected to monitor safety compliance.

9.   These new discoveries raise a host of questions, not the least of which is why the Moche performed human sacrifices.

10.   Critics said the Swiss discovery raised questions about the adequacy of the USDA testing program.

n. + raise >>共 1962
company 3.48%
government 3.20%
official 2.12%
case 2.01%
report 1.77%
bank 1.09%
rate 0.90%
incident 0.90%
group 0.86%
move 0.83%
discovery 0.24%
discovery + v. >>共 279
be 23.07%
lead 6.72%
come 4.66%
have 3.28%
help 2.67%
make 2.14%
raise 1.68%
prompt 1.30%
show 1.30%
mean 1.30%
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