1.   It would impose taxes on business and individuals which would discourage enterprise and discourage people from trying to work hard.

2.   Foreign enterprises were discouraged, by deliberate red tape, from entering certain industries, so that national companies could get a head start.

3.   In fact, the system appears to be stifling creativity, discouraging individual enterprise.

4.   They said the agency is too bureaucratic and in some cases discourages enterprise by workers that could improve air safety.

v. + enterprise >>共 220
privatize 6.14%
run 4.09%
sell 2.50%
encourage 2.05%
set_up 1.82%
have 1.82%
include 1.59%
transform 1.59%
build 1.59%
establish 1.36%
discourage 0.91%
discourage + n. >>共 845
people 6.22%
investor 5.27%
investment 4.46%
use 3.09%
company 2.43%
speculation 1.16%
country 1.09%
child 1.09%
woman 1.02%
practice 0.91%
enterprise 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4