1.   ...a campaign to discourage children from smoking.

2.   Another problem, the group found, is that few retailers have policies in place to discourage children from buying games rated for the older crowd.

3.   At issue in the tobacco case were restrictions on the location of cigarette advertising enacted in Massachusetts to discourage children from taking up smoking.

4.   --Discourage children from getting up and walking around during meals.

5.   Discourage children from flipping from one show to another.

6.   Dramatizing science in misleading ways merely discourages children who might otherwise become serious scientists, he said.

7.   In a statement, the FDA said its discussions are aimed at finding ways to discourage children from taking up the smoking habit.

8.   In announcing several smaller initiatives, he said he would ask Congress to extend a new advertising campaign to discourage children from using drugs.

9.   RJR and Philip Morris have already taken steps to discourage children from smoking.

10.   Some parents, Voight included, discourage their children from following in their footsteps.

v. + child >>共 668
have 15.92%
include 3.82%
raise 3.39%
take 3.00%
kill 2.98%
send 2.50%
protect 2.27%
help 1.95%
keep 1.59%
adopt 1.50%
discourage 0.14%
discourage + n. >>共 845
people 6.22%
investor 5.27%
investment 4.46%
use 3.09%
company 2.43%
speculation 1.16%
country 1.09%
child 1.09%
woman 1.02%
practice 0.91%
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