1.   A dirty filter can restrict the flow of hot air from the furnace to the delivery ducts.

2.   But remember, a dirty filter is more efficient than a clean one because it will stop more dust and other particles.

3.   If it is from a bacterial buildup, it may be due to a dirty filter, which could be replaced.

4.   So replace all dirty filters.

5.   NASDA determined that the most recent glitch was due to a dirty filter in the problem valve, Yamada said.

a. + filter >>共 206
coffee 10.19%
special 3.49%
baxter-made 2.41%
new 2.41%
charcoal 2.14%
clogged 1.61%
different 1.61%
electronic 1.61%
dirty 1.34%
fresh 1.34%
dirty + n. >>共 436
bomb 4.70%
water 4.40%
clothes 3.80%
money 3.32%
dish 3.20%
joke 2.90%
war 2.90%
look 2.83%
air 2.77%
needle 2.65%
filter 0.30%
每页显示:    共 5