1.   At the Wine Institute, which represents many of the largest vintners, direct shipment is given a high priority.

2.   A favorite argument advanced by opponents of direct shipment is the opportunity it supposedly offers minors to buy alcohol through the mail.

3.   A Washington law firm sued Thursday to overturn New York laws prohibiting direct shipments of wine by out-of-state wineries to New Yorkers.

4.   But in the remaining states, direct shipments are illegal, and in five they are a felony.

5.   But it does not allow direct shipment otherwise.

6.   Depending on size of wholesaler and retailer markups, price to consumer could be higher, lower or about the same as under direct shipment.

7.   Direct shipment, they claim, is a costly end run around the traditional distribution system.

8.   Direct shipments violate state laws and threaten to carve profits from the powerful middlemen who have dominated the industry since Prohibition.

9.   Direct shipment, they assert, hurts businesses in the traditional distribution system and robs states of taxes.

10.   Direct shipment and communications across the strait are not permitted, though trade going indirectly, as through Hong Kong, has surged.

a. + shipment >>共 346
first 12.30%
large 4.08%
waste 3.44%
illegal 2.80%
nuclear 2.68%
new 2.68%
further 2.36%
second 2.17%
direct 2.10%
russian 1.66%
direct + n. >>共 612
talk 4.05%
investment 3.79%
contact 3.66%
link 3.19%
hit 2.85%
election 1.91%
negotiation 1.65%
access 1.63%
result 1.60%
involvement 1.55%
shipment 0.26%
每页显示:    共 33