1.   This was intended to exclude the direct rays of the sun.

2.   Also challenging is a sill with only two hours or so a day of direct rays.

3.   Areas hit by direct rays are warmer.

4.   As the sun shines on the Earth, some areas receive direct rays and others receive indirect rays.

5.   Bright light is good, but direct rays can lower the quality of the flowers.

6.   By nature I am a vampire, not crazy about daylight, much less direct rays of the sun.

7.   During the northern winter, direct solar rays focus on the Southern Hemisphere while oblique rays reach northern latitudes.

8.   Energy from the increasingly direct rays of the sun first warm areas near the ground at southern latitudes.

9.   For the next three months, the direct rays of the sun will move inexorably south, culminating in the winter solstice in late December.

10.   For the next six months, the direct rays of the sun will move south, culminating in the winter solstice.

a. + ray >>共 129
ultraviolet 25.34%
light 7.76%
harmful 6.85%
first 4.34%
direct 3.88%
solar 3.42%
infrared 2.28%
ultra-violet 2.05%
last 2.05%
burning 1.60%
direct + n. >>共 612
talk 4.05%
investment 3.79%
contact 3.66%
link 3.19%
hit 2.85%
election 1.91%
negotiation 1.65%
access 1.63%
result 1.60%
involvement 1.55%
ray 0.13%
每页显示:    共 17