1.   Among actors of their generation, Pleasence specialized in playing earthy, inelegant characters, a direct opposite of the roles undertaken by Scofield.

2.   He came across as the direct opposite of the stereotype of an imperious, pretentious owner.

3.   It also was the direct opposite of Dick Bennett blah ball.

4.   The direct opposite of Lukas, Nafzger is a real cowboy from Wyoming who prefers a smaller, slower-developing stable.

a. + opposite >>共 57
exact 30.03%
polar 28.65%
complete 9.09%
very 5.51%
ideological 3.58%
total 2.20%
philosophical 1.65%
perfect 1.38%
direct 1.10%
diametric 1.10%
direct + n. >>共 612
talk 4.05%
investment 3.79%
contact 3.66%
link 3.19%
hit 2.85%
election 1.91%
negotiation 1.65%
access 1.63%
result 1.60%
involvement 1.55%
opposite 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4