1.   Established last year, the DMA represents most companies involved in direct marketing, whether as advertisers, agencies, list brokers or mailing suppliers.

2.   Direct marketing is anything that invites a direct response, either by phoning or writing.

3.   Around two thirds of promotional budgets are now reckoned to be spent on the less glitzy marketing activities such as direct marketing and sales promotion.

4.   Direct marketing is also an extension of telephone selling and this involves selling direct to the purchaser through mail order, television, radio, newspaper or magazine advertisements.

5.   Ally will sell its direct marketing, health care and media buying divisions, Luceno said, though he declined to identify the buyers.

6.   Ammirati Puris will continue to handle interactive advertising for Compaq as well as direct marketing and media duties.

7.   Ammirati Puris retained the direct marketing and interactive parts of the account.

8.   An e-mail can cost less than a dime, and consumers tend to respond to e-mail faster than other direct marketing.

9.   And as far as the direct marketing is concerned?

10.   And direct marketing is letting candidates don multiple personalities, one for each special interest.

a. + marketing >>共 349
direct 11.64%
aggressive 6.49%
mass 2.84%
international 2.67%
interactive 2.40%
global 2.31%
joint 2.13%
corporate 2.13%
poor 1.60%
better 1.51%
direct + n. >>共 612
talk 4.05%
investment 3.79%
contact 3.66%
link 3.19%
hit 2.85%
election 1.91%
negotiation 1.65%
access 1.63%
result 1.60%
involvement 1.55%
marketing 1.04%
每页显示:    共 130