1.   Along the East Coast, clouds will increase and winds from the south will direct milder air into New England.

2.   An active breeze from the west will direct milder air toward the Great Lakes and southern New England on Thursday.

3.   Another very mild day will grace much of the East as a strengthening wind from the south directs air from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Seaboard.

4.   As the warmer air is directed toward the Middle West and upper Plains, clouds will form and a few showers will develop from northern Minnesota to upper Michigan.

5.   Behind the front, winds from the north will direct colder air into the central Plains and upper Mississippi Valley.

6.   Behind the low, brisk winds from the northwest will direct colder air into the Great Lakes.

7.   Beneath mainly cloudy skies, breezes from the north will direct chilly air into the eastern Plains and Texas.

8.   A change in the jet stream next week will direct warmer air into Alaska while much colder air sweeps into the East.

9.   A cool front pushing into the Northwest will direct moist air inland from the Pacific, causing showers and low clouds.

10.   A weak flow from the south will continue to direct moist air into the central and southern Rockies.

v. + air >>共 559
fill 11.78%
clear 5.49%
draw 3.85%
have 3.64%
punch 2.47%
breathe 2.00%
direct 1.79%
blow 1.53%
lift 1.48%
pollute 1.40%
direct + n. >>共 1000
traffic 4.46%
film 3.97%
movie 2.31%
operation 2.10%
attention 1.97%
anger 1.77%
air 1.77%
effort 1.67%
play 1.44%
attack 1.41%
每页显示:    共 69