1.   America should not be deflected from needed military actions for fear of possible diplomatic fallout.

2.   American officials say they expect to discover at the talks on Wednesday whether the defections will produce any diplomatic fallout.

3.   White acknowledged that there might be diplomatic fallout with Europe if the United States began reducing its military commitment on the continent.

4.   Pressured to end diplomatic fallout, President Jacques Chirac on Monday weighed whether to conduct a final nuclear test blast or cut the series short.

5.   Perry on Wednesday announced several actions in response to the rape case and its diplomatic fallout.

6.   Even so, Indonesians would do well to consider the possible diplomatic fallout that might occur from this American episode.

7.   Heavy diplomatic fallout continued raining down on Paris on Wednesday.

8.   In the end, he ended up nearly buried in the diplomatic fallout of what mushroomed into, politically at least, a nuclear nightmare.

9.   The diplomatic fallout from the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy continued Monday, as Beijing suspended high-level military contacts with the United States.

10.   The issue was prickly for the Philippines, which clearly did not want to suffer any diplomatic fallout a year after establishing diplomatic relations with North Korea.

a. + fallout >>共 139
political 28.75%
economic 9.42%
radioactive 5.91%
possible 4.47%
potential 3.19%
nuclear 2.56%
diplomatic 2.24%
negative 1.92%
financial 1.76%
legal 1.44%
diplomatic + n. >>共 581
source 11.25%
tie 9.02%
effort 7.49%
mission 5.19%
solution 3.14%
pressure 2.10%
channel 1.78%
recognition 1.70%
contact 1.38%
activity 1.34%
fallout 0.12%
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