1.   Diplomats would accompany the inspectors.

2.   In fact the new agreement requires that the inspectors in locations like presidential palaces be accompanied by diplomats.

3.   Among the details still to be resolved are how many diplomats will accompany the inspectors and whether they will be selected from embassies located in Baghdad.

4.   Annan has said the agreement provides for repeat checks of those sites by inspectors accompanied by diplomats.

5.   Annan has said the agreement provides for repeat visits of those sites by inspectors accompanied by diplomats.

6.   Chief weapons inspector Richard Butler rejected speculation that his authority would be undermined by the deal, which requires diplomats to accompany inspectors on their visits.

7.   France and Russia have proposed that diplomats accompany inspectors from the U.N. Special Commission, which is in charge of the inspections.

8.   If teams split up within the sites, they will always be accompanied by diplomats, he continued.

9.   Inspectors accompanied by diplomats then visited the eight presidential sites and reported they found no illegal weapons.

10.   Iranian Vice-President Hassan Habibi was accompanied by diplomats and businessmen on a mission Iran hopes will increase its influence in the volatile Balkans.

n. + accompany >>共 736
shower 4.16%
official 3.30%
police 2.02%
diplomat 1.55%
representative 1.55%
journalist 1.23%
rain 1.12%
bodyguard 1.07%
reporter 1.07%
agent 1.07%
diplomat + v. >>共 587
say 48.91%
be 5.67%
meet 1.36%
tell 1.23%
try 1.00%
believe 0.97%
visit 0.89%
suggest 0.84%
have 0.82%
work 0.81%
accompany 0.35%
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