1.   A Florida judge ruled Wednesday that dimpled chads could be accepted if that is the will of local election boards.

2.   Broward changed its counting standard over the weekend to start counting dimpled chad.

3.   But the online stores have far more trouble than dimpled chads.

4.   During a manual recount Saturday of four precincts, the dimpled chads overwhelmingly favored Gore.

5.   During the recount, Democrats faulted her for not adopting an expansive standard for counting dimpled chads as votes.

6.   Dimpled chads entered the common lexicon.

7.   Inner tubes and dimpled chads entered the lexicon just because of Florida.

8.   James Mize, the attorney for the canvassing board, said the ruling means the members must look at each dimpled chad and decide whether it counts.

9.   Moreover, a Gore victory would depend on a margin provided by the extremely permissive standard for dimpled chad eligibility employed in Broward County.

10.   Punch-card ballots provided their own problems with tabulation, particularly when coders were asked to examine under-vote ballots for presence of a dimpled chad.

a. + chad >>共 42
hanging 28.57%
dimpled 25.40%
pregnant 7.14%
detached 2.38%
stray 2.38%
dangling 1.59%
errant 1.59%
loose 1.59%
punched 1.59%
so-called 1.59%
dimpled + n. >>共 33
ballot 43.27%
chad 18.71%
ball 6.43%
vote 4.68%
chin 4.68%
smile 2.92%
face 1.75%
grin 1.75%
flesh 1.17%
one 1.17%
每页显示:    共 32