1.   Barnett reported its earnings per share on a fully diluted basis.

2.   Boeing reports on a diluted basis.

3.   Estimates are provided by First Call Corp. and are on a fully diluted basis, which assumes that convertible securities are changed into common shares.

4.   Estimates provided by First Call Corp. and are on a fully diluted basis, which assumes convertible securities have been changed into shares of common stock.

5.   Fourth-quarter results on a diluted basis are calculated using all potential common shares, such as warrants and options.

6.   The bank provided earnings per share on a fully diluted basis only.

7.   The company did not provide annual earnings on a diluted basis.

8.   The per-share figures are on a diluted basis.

9.   Unless otherwise noted, all per share figures are given on a diluted basis, to better reflect the costs to companies of issuing stock options.

a. + basis >>共 731
regular 11.06%
daily 9.52%
legal 3.78%
interim 2.93%
voluntary 2.19%
limited 2.10%
weekly 1.96%
day-to-day 1.87%
temporary 1.78%
individual 1.77%
diluted 0.16%
diluted + n. >>共 91
earnings 9.09%
drug 4.81%
basis 4.81%
fish 4.28%
form 3.74%
dose 3.21%
fertilizer 3.21%
bleach 2.67%
medication 2.67%
version 2.67%
每页显示:    共 9