1.   Aphids have bacteria in their guts that help them digest food.

2.   He could describe how insects digest food and how thunderstorms happened.

3.   The aphids, in turn, have bacteria in their guts that help them digest food.

4.   The pancreas is vital for digesting food, because it produces digestive enzymes as well as the hormone insulin.

5.   The parent partially digests food in its crop.

6.   The stomach produces acids which help to digest food.

7.   Blood-sugar levels go up as you digest food.

8.   He has trouble digesting certain foods.

9.   An adult Adetomyrma, like all adult ants, cannot digest solid food on its own.

10.   Bacteria help digest food, clot blood, and keep harmful germs out.

v. + food >>共 800
eat 7.31%
buy 4.09%
bring 3.00%
have 2.98%
serve 2.96%
distribute 2.78%
provide 2.74%
deliver 2.47%
get 2.39%
cook 2.10%
digest 0.52%
digest + n. >>共 152
food 11.01%
news 6.96%
information 4.35%
report 4.06%
acquisition 3.48%
detail 2.32%
lactose 2.32%
datum 2.03%
fact 1.74%
fat 1.74%
每页显示:    共 38