1.   It constructs roads, flattens hills, digs canals, builds harbours, employs workers, contracts for services.

2.   Shrimp farmers dig canals to bring salt water to enclosed areas where shrimps are cultured.

3.   Water had to be continually directed, rivers deepened, dikes checked, canals dug, and conflicting interests reconciled.

4.   Of the men who actually dug the canals we know less.

5.   It was a tremendous civil engineering achievement at the time, as the canal was dug by hand.

6.   After that period, people began digging canals that threw the entire system out of whack.

7.   Drinking-water is the most pressing problem, but community groups are also rehabilitating decrepit schools, digging irrigation canals and stringing electric wires to remote villages.

8.   Early Brazilian workers helped dig a canal from a river on the property to feed a water wheel that powered a hand-built turbine.

9.   Five years later under the Khmer Rouge, families were uprooted and forced into slave labor, digging canals and working fields far from their own villages.

v. + canal >>共 119
dig 11.15%
build 9.46%
run 4.39%
use 3.72%
line 3.38%
cross 3.04%
enter 2.36%
deepen 2.03%
operate 2.03%
overlook 1.69%
dig + n. >>共 280
trench 15.92%
hole 12.75%
grave 8.78%
tunnel 6.80%
well 6.08%
ditch 4.29%
pit 3.04%
canal 2.18%
way 1.78%
puck 1.65%
每页显示:    共 33