1.   And from more than one computer, more than one source could have given the differing versions of the document to different media outlets.

2.   Attorneys in the case consider differing versions of such exchanges important because the credibility of Bronfman and Redstone is an issue.

3.   Both chambers have passed differing versions, but members have yet to be chosen for a conference committee to work out a compromise between the two.

4.   Both the House and Senate have scheduled conferences next week to reconcile their differing versions of four or five other noncontroversial spending bills and send them to the president.

5.   But the clear threat was that it would resurface later this summer when the House and Senate meet in conference to resolve their differing versions of the appropriations bill.

6.   Differing versions of aviation security bills were passed in the House and Senate, requiring both chambers to compromise in a conference committee.

7.   Differing versions of the bill have passed the House and the Senate by overwhelming margins.

8.   Differing versions of the legislation have been passed by the House and Senate.

9.   During the day, both houses approved differing versions of catch-all spending bills that will be consolidated by House and Senate negotiators.

10.   However, differing versions of the measure have been mired in a conference committee convened to merge the two bills.

a. + version >>共 826
new 8.89%
final 3.59%
different 3.44%
earlier 2.98%
latest 2.83%
early 1.57%
original 1.40%
first 1.34%
generic 1.26%
updated 1.19%
differing 0.28%
differing + n. >>共 296
view 12.29%
opinion 5.56%
account 4.98%
version 3.12%
interpretation 3.02%
approach 2.44%
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report 1.85%
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