1.   A different set of values existed, such as parental respect, and a healthy respect for law and order.

2.   Andean vultures become avid for the life-giving molecule with quite a different set of mutations.

3.   Capitalism would simply produce a different set of goods to satisfy a different pattern of tastes.

4.   Friendships are based on a completely different set of structural relationships to those with parents.

5.   Here was a set of fake brass handles incongruously mingled with a different set of pewter fixtures.

6.   If a network is trained rather than programmed, a different set of skills will be required.

7.   In the East you will have to learn a different set of conventions.

8.   The young have a completely different set of values.

9.   This is because they would stand to gain by a different set of future outcomes from the other genes in the body.

a. + set >>共 478
second 18.42%
first 14.73%
third 7.88%
new 5.60%
straight 5.49%
final 3.31%
different 2.51%
opening 1.88%
fourth 1.84%
the 1.37%
different + n. >>共 1053
way 3.56%
kind 2.51%
story 2.01%
type 1.82%
approach 1.73%
view 1.62%
part 1.49%
thing 1.37%
time 1.23%
direction 1.12%
set 0.61%
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