1.   But the teaching which is condemned here is of a different character....

2.   Different character sets Application debugging facilities include transaction dumps, system traces, and the famed Animator source code debugger.

3.   Different grape varieties produce wines of widely different character.

4.   However, different grape varieties produce wines of widely different character.

5.   I had difficulty following the story - there are so many different characters.

6.   It has a lot of different character, depending on where you are.

7.   Playing a character so different from herself was a challenge.

8.   Sometimes, perhaps not very often during their lifetimes, volcanoes erupt and present a wholly different character.

9.   This meant that the cities which ultimately grew up within this rural society were of a different character from the surrounding countryside.

10.   She has put off the meeting with him and it is not surprising that the two different characters clash.

a. + character >>共 1707
main 5.22%
central 2.30%
female 1.78%
the 1.76%
fictional 1.72%
new 1.48%
chinese 1.42%
different 1.33%
lead 1.29%
strong 1.19%
different + n. >>共 1053
way 3.56%
kind 2.51%
story 2.01%
type 1.82%
approach 1.73%
view 1.62%
part 1.49%
thing 1.37%
time 1.23%
direction 1.12%
character 0.19%
每页显示:    共 89