1.   If you have special dietary needs, make arrangements before you leave.

2.   In terms of dietary needs and actual consumption patterns, they have a gathering economy supplemented by both hunting and horticulture.

3.   Let us know if you have any special dietary needs in advance.

4.   Many of our patients have special dietary needs.

5.   Boston chef Daniel Bruce is well acquainted with sculpting cuisine to match dietary needs.

6.   Does he take dietary needs into account and yet indulge your senses with spices?

7.   Even if the contestant is an American, hosts are sensitive to their dietary needs.

8.   For example, if you have special dietary needs, you can find what the academics think are the very best of the Web on the subject.

9.   For mature travelers trying to meet special dietary needs or seeking special facilities for the disabled, an apartment hotel can be a good option.

10.   If you have special dietary needs, let the cruise line know in advance.

a. + need >>共 916
urgent 6.47%
special 4.85%
desperate 4.38%
basic 3.33%
dire 3.21%
immediate 2.43%
pressing 2.38%
financial 1.92%
medical 1.66%
humanitarian 1.51%
dietary 0.33%
dietary + n. >>共 184
supplement 33.68%
fat 3.87%
calcium 3.77%
fiber 3.56%
guideline 3.35%
habit 3.03%
fibre 2.62%
change 2.30%
restriction 2.20%
need 2.09%
每页显示:    共 20