1.   One of the preferred methods for estimating usual dietary intakes of individuals is the diet history questionnaire.

2.   Epidemiological studies indicate that the incidence of colon cancer is positively correlated with the dietary intake of fat, and negatively correlated with the intake of calcium.

3.   The coefficient of fat absorption was calculated from the daily dietary fat intake and the daily stool fat output and expressed as a percentage of the daily fat intake.

4.   Dietary intake of diary products was lower and fat intake also tended to be less in the patients.

5.   It is not surprising that a history of milk intolerance was seldom obtained in patients with lactose malabsorption, although dietary intake of diary products was reduced.

6.   Furthermore, carnitine deficiency secondary to poor dietary intake or abnormal intestinal absorption suggests that exogenous carnitine is important in maintaining body carnitine equilibrium.

7.   Yet a population with a high dietary intake of fat, protein, and meat can also be at very low risk of colorectal cancer.

8.   Sulphate concentration in the colon is largely dependent on dietary intake.

9.   Thus, the dietary intake of precursor fatty acids can directly influence the rate and pattern of prostaglandin generation by the gastrointestinal mucosa.

a. + intake >>共 109
fat 13.79%
caloric 9.85%
daily 8.13%
salt 3.94%
high 3.94%
dietary 3.94%
fluid 3.69%
sharp 3.69%
new 2.46%
recommended 2.46%
dietary + n. >>共 184
supplement 33.68%
fat 3.87%
calcium 3.77%
fiber 3.56%
guideline 3.35%
habit 3.03%
fibre 2.62%
change 2.30%
restriction 2.20%
need 2.09%
intake 1.67%
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