1.   Further risks are the increase in diesel fumes, back injuries, dermatitis and stress-related problems - all increasing in coal mines.

2.   Pungent diesel fumes poured from the back of the truck.

3.   The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see.

4.   The large square was crowded, dusty and clamorous and full of diesel fumes and the smell of fried onions.

5.   There are a few benches scattered around, notably on Northgate, but who wants to eat their lunch while gulping down diesel fumes from passing buses?

6.   Apart from noxious diesel fumes from occasional trucks or buses, we had the road to ourselves.

7.   Air thick with diesel fumes lies like gray paste against the horizon and leaves you freckled with grit.

8.   Corey and Millicent huddle on the sidewalk, oblivious to diesel fumes from idling trucks.

9.   Fourteen passengers aboard the train were treated for inhalation of diesel fumes.

10.   In the harsh re-entry into civilized noise and diesel fumes and clocks, both my father and I tried to call back the rhythm of Glacier Bay.

n. + fume >>共 70
exhaust 32.98%
car 9.22%
gas 6.74%
diesel 6.38%
gasoline 3.55%
antifreeze 2.84%
kerosene 2.84%
traffic 2.84%
ammonia 1.77%
petrol 1.77%
diesel + n. >>共 131
fuel 35.67%
generator 6.32%
oil 4.74%
price 3.27%
bus 3.05%
car 3.05%
truck 3.05%
exhaust 2.82%
vehicle 2.14%
fume 2.03%
每页显示:    共 18