1.   Does government have a community economic development strategy?

2.   Experience of devising and managing short-and long-term business development strategies, setting and achievement of objectives, and budget management.

3.   Local economic development strategies divert attention and resources of government away from direct efforts to resolve social problems.

4.   Technology development strategies exhibit a fundamental logical contradiction.

5.   The development strategy can be further controlled by specifying a parameter and temporarily removing nodes satisfying from the list of active nodes.

6.   We do not have a coherent training and development strategy linked to employment growth.

7.   A Vietnamese delegation led by Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet, First Vice-Premier, visited Malaysia in early February to attend a World Bank seminar on development strategy.

8.   One problem with dependency reversal is that it tends to take development strategies for granted while it assesses the benefits, or costs, of particular activities.

9.   During the period since nineteen eighty eight, the Greater York authorities have agreed a long term development strategy involving a new settlement contribution.

n. + strategy >>共 885
investment 8.11%
business 5.70%
defense 3.97%
campaign 3.40%
exit 3.37%
development 2.42%
growth 1.85%
energy 1.58%
management 1.37%
survival 1.28%
development + n. >>共 552
project 13.50%
program 5.69%
plan 4.94%
aid 4.43%
bank 2.82%
company 2.59%
cost 2.52%
agency 1.88%
assistance 1.74%
fund 1.59%
strategy 1.28%
每页显示:    共 80