1.   A starter pack of course material and a three-year development programme are part of the package.

2.   In undertaking such a vast development programme as the Mahaweli Project, it is perhaps inevitable that unanticipated problems arise.

3.   Opening the seminar, outlined the rationale of the development programme and the approach being adopted.

4.   Some countries conduct all foreign trade through state corporations which assess needs according to their current economic development programmes.

5.   The development programme is also a sensitive issue.

6.   The development programme was established on a short-term basis, just over a year ago.

7.   This project is a central part of the development programme for the area.

8.   GHN Consultants will create a personal development programme that is tailored to the individual requirements of each individual executive.

n. + programme >>共 645
television 4.02%
reform 3.24%
development 3.21%
aid 2.85%
privatisation 2.64%
research 2.14%
education 1.99%
government 1.71%
investment 1.67%
weapon 1.60%
development + n. >>共 552
project 13.50%
program 5.69%
plan 4.94%
aid 4.43%
bank 2.82%
company 2.59%
cost 2.52%
agency 1.88%
assistance 1.74%
fund 1.59%
programme 1.42%
每页显示:    共 89