1.   Exxon says it supports the largest research and development program in the oil industry, sharing with competitors multiple advances in cleanup technology.

2.   There are also visual arts projects and staff development programs to train teachers to present arts programs.

3.   Developing countries have said they oppose reforms that weaken economic and social development programs that some in Congress want to scrap altogether.

4.   In response to slowing sales and a weakening economy, Michigan automakers are cutting back on car and truck development programs to help cut costs.

5.   It said it is training international franchisees and has strengthened its research and development program to raise the acceptability of Jollibee products overseas.

n. + program >>共 227
computer 7.73%
education 3.20%
sport 1.60%
television 1.60%
development 1.33%
owner 1.33%
parent 1.33%
software 1.33%
user 1.33%
health 1.07%
development + v. >>共 515
be 28.51%
come 4.42%
take 2.45%
have 2.31%
make 1.78%
occur 1.64%
lead 1.34%
mean 1.21%
follow 1.01%
continue 0.94%
program 0.17%
每页显示:    共 5