1.   All of these drugs are effective against developing larvae and adult ages.

2.   For the successful treatment of Type II disease it is necessary to use drugs which are effective against arrested larvae as well as developing larvae and adult stages.

3.   The expulsion of the adult worm population is considered to be the consequence of an immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction to antigens derived from the developing larvae.

4.   And adult worker ants seem to have put the genetic maneuver into effect by changing the food supply of developing larvae to alter hormonal balance.

a. + larva >>共 61
insect 18.49%
infective 6.72%
fly 5.04%
arrested 5.04%
developing 3.36%
aquatic 2.52%
microscopic 2.52%
tiny 2.52%
first 1.68%
coral 1.68%
developing + n. >>共 639
nation 26.97%
world 17.86%
economy 2.51%
market 2.31%
technology 1.71%
software 1.03%
weapon 0.94%
fetus 0.83%
storm 0.77%
drug 0.77%
larva 0.11%
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