1.   These data will be used to develop profiles of the living standards of similar household types at different income levels.

2.   Condit provided information about Levy to aid the FBI in developing a profile of the missing intern, officials said.

3.   Equifax receives only the ZIP codes of the callers and develops the profiles from that information.

4.   Equifax then develops group profiles of the callers that provide more descriptive information.

5.   Equifax, which develops the profiles, says no information about individuals is included.

6.   Fewer than half have developed a profile of their best employees and try to hire similar people.

7.   In the early days of the Branch Davidian siege, he was called to Waco and helped develop a profile of the group and its leader, David Koresh.

8.   Israeli officials have developed profiles of people who represent a security threat and question those people differently from other travelers.

9.   Pain profiles have been developed for infants based on such physical symptoms as breathing and heart rate, skin color and facial expression.

10.   The agency said the audits were needed to develop statistical profiles of likely cheaters but could not be done because its tax enforcement budget had been reduced.

v. + profile >>共 178
raise 23.10%
fit 15.51%
have 4.73%
create 2.97%
lower 2.75%
write 2.42%
include 2.31%
use 2.20%
develop 1.87%
build 1.65%
develop + n. >>共 1095
technology 2.67%
plan 2.27%
product 2.16%
system 2.13%
drug 2.06%
software 1.81%
program 1.80%
weapon 1.54%
reputation 1.53%
cancer 1.38%
profile 0.10%
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