1.   Both drugs are so-called protease inhibitors, the most potent AIDS drugs developed to fight the AIDS epidemic.

2.   -- A powerful new medicine will be developed to fight a deadly disease.

3.   A few drugs have already been developed to fight specific variations of a disease identified by the presence of specific proteins.

4.   By Jon Swartz and Julia Angwin PROTEASE -- Protease inhibitors originally were developed to fight AIDS.

5.   Currently, xenotransplanation -- transplanting non-human organs into humans -- often leads to rejection of the organs because antibodies develop to fight the alien substance.

6.   McNeeley says he will come in low to take away the peekaboo style, marked by uppercuts and body crunching, that Tyson developed to fight taller men.

7.   Taxotere is being developed to fight advanced breast and lung cancer that does not respond to standard chemotherapy.

8.   The substance is from a class of drugs developed to fight asthma and shown to have few side effects in people, Tuomanen said.

9.   Ribozyme technology could also be developed to fight other viral diseases and was already being used to develop plants which could resist viruses.

10.   The convention would give signatories access to technology developed to fight against chemical weapons and the right to inspect chemical weapons factories in other states that signed the treaty.

v. + fight >>共 279
say 8.01%
die 7.02%
flee 6.93%
use 6.93%
come 4.50%
be 2.88%
kill 2.25%
form 2.07%
do 2.07%
back 1.80%
develop 0.90%
develop + v. >>共 235
use 5.12%
treat 4.24%
help 4.24%
allow 2.30%
make 2.12%
deal 1.77%
prevent 1.77%
meet 1.77%
fight 1.77%
replace 1.59%
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