1.   In Parliament he was a determined opponent of home rule.

2.   A determined opponent of tribalism, brutality and corruption, Wamwere has been a political prisoner for most of the past two decades.

3.   His partner, Paul Vixie, has been a longtime Internet software developer and determined opponent of unsolicited commercial e-mail, known as spam.

4.   In both cases, a small group of determined opponents can thwart the desire for peace expressed by the great majority of voters.

5.   It requires determined fighters to go underground and meet equally determined opponents, while uncertainty and danger linger in every dark corner.

6.   There remains a bowl game to be played against a yet-to-be determined opponent.

7.   Though House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bob Livingston supports the agencies, they face a determined opponent in House Budget Committee chief John Kasich.

8.   Though House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bob Livingston supports the agencies, Rep. Kasich is a determined opponent of OPIC.

9.   Brazil, with six points, has already qualified for a second-round match against a yet determined opponent Saturday in Paris.

10.   After Sampras, Agassi ranks Chang as his most determined opponent.

a. + opponent >>共 1107
political 13.40%
republican 4.92%
democratic 4.27%
formidable 2.05%
next 1.98%
staunch 1.67%
leading 1.67%
vocal 1.47%
outspoken 1.37%
potential 1.35%
determined 0.16%
determined + n. >>共 415
effort 12.45%
woman 1.93%
team 1.57%
opposition 1.57%
bid 1.33%
opponent 1.33%
campaign 1.33%
resistance 1.21%
group 1.09%
run 1.09%
每页显示:    共 11