1.   Calling prices stay the same because call distance determines the price.

2.   How then do firms determine their prices in practice?

3.   The president believes prices should be determined by the market, not the government.

4.   Using the equilibrium condition Q, Qi solve the equations to determine equilibrium price.

5.   The demand for a product determines its price.

6.   The parties failed to agree and an independent surveyor, acting as an expert, determined the price.

7.   Long-term contracts for the supply of uranium have contained expert clauses for determining the price of the concentrate.

8.   This also means that all prices are determined by competitive trading rather than private agreement.

9.   Answering that question may determine the price they will demand for Smith, Fleisher believes.

v. + price >>共 557
raise 9.99%
pay 7.30%
cut 3.75%
push 3.50%
lower 3.31%
boost 3.16%
send 2.02%
increase 1.98%
reduce 1.86%
set 1.83%
determine 0.47%
determine + n. >>共 966
cause 11.46%
extent 3.13%
fate 2.81%
outcome 2.62%
winner 2.07%
future 1.92%
value 1.73%
number 1.68%
motive 1.55%
price 1.48%
每页显示:    共 87