1.   Yet both organizations allowed the experiment to go forward, and in each case it reversed a deteriorating situation.

2.   In early April zal announced stiff new emergency measures to control the rapidly deteriorating situation in the south-east.

3.   The deteriorating economic situation in East Germany provoked strikes and demonstrations by industrial employees and farmers.

4.   The deteriorating situation in Haiti prompted many poor people to attempt to flee the country by sea in small boats.

5.   Despite the improving state of industry, the economy as a whole was lop-sided, unbalanced by the deteriorating situation of the agricultural sector.

6.   Another official put a best-face on a deteriorating situation that came after so much work.

7.   As leaders in the marketplace, we had, from my standpoint, no choice but to take action to correct a deteriorating situation.

8.   At the same time, Johnson was grappling with the deteriorating situation in Vietnam and was beginning to assemble his multi-faceted war on poverty and his Great Society reforms.

9.   Before talking with Sharon, Powell and Rice also spoke by phone with Bush about the deteriorating situation in the Mideast.

10.   But not everybody was so hopeful about the deteriorating situation in the divided territory, especially after news broke of the attack on the construction workers in Himachal Pradesh.

a. + situation >>共 632
economic 6.33%
current 5.75%
political 4.55%
sexual 3.56%
similar 3.51%
difficult 2.39%
same 2.01%
financial 1.93%
emergency 1.73%
such 1.61%
deteriorating 1.55%
deteriorating + n. >>共 181
situation 21.88%
condition 10.77%
health 7.79%
relation 6.30%
security 5.04%
economy 4.24%
weather 1.37%
building 1.37%
law 1.26%
relationship 1.26%
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