1.   They put the detention basin in the golf course.

2.   Detention basins that slow flows and retention basins that recharge groundwater reserves are examples.

3.   That detention basin is a model for controlling stormwater runoff, Keane said.

4.   The builders are consolidating washes into channels and digging detention basins.

5.   That can avoid the need for detention basins and channels and preserve wooded or swampy areas that would be scooped out for detention ponds.

n. + basin >>共 55
wash 28.57%
ocean 7.14%
boat 5.00%
hand 5.00%
pudding 4.29%
detention 3.57%
water 3.57%
bathroom 2.14%
desert 2.14%
air 1.43%
detention + n. >>共 105
center 44.64%
camp 15.54%
centre 8.03%
facility 7.17%
hearing 4.71%
order 2.79%
officer 1.68%
condition 1.30%
unit 1.30%
cell 1.20%
basin 0.24%
每页显示:    共 5