1.   Besides intelligence and charm, Bella had some less desirable qualities.

2.   It also did away with the need for bias adjustment on the output devices - a most desirable quality.

3.   Reliable cause of death statistics are woefully lacking for developing countries and of less than desirable quality for many developed ones.

4.   Write a short paragraph on the desirable qualities of a good receptionist.

5.   Honesty is a desirable quality.

6.   Roll and Ross argue that these portfolios may have desirable qualities for the potential investor.

7.   Both types have been engineered to enhance desirable qualities, like springiness, color or resistance to weather.

8.   Add one specific set of credentials to the long list of desirable qualities in a fund manager.

9.   RecruitSoft sifts through the answers, chooses those with desirable qualities, and flags them for the recruiters.

10.   The form asked him to list occupations of people he knew and to explain what were the most and least desirable qualities of those jobs.

a. + quality >>共 1452
high 9.33%
poor 4.86%
good 4.14%
sound 3.35%
better 3.35%
higher 2.67%
same 1.92%
star 1.90%
highest 1.71%
top 1.68%
desirable 0.17%
desirable + n. >>共 271
trait 2.64%
goal 2.26%
location 2.07%
feature 1.88%
job 1.88%
quality 1.88%
end 1.51%
place 1.51%
property 1.51%
characteristic 1.32%
每页显示:    共 10