1.   The craft of glass blowing is vital to science, especially when researchers design experiments for which no containers are available.

2.   We therefore set out to design an experiment with a younger, more appropriately matched control population.

3.   The major concern in designing an experiment to meet the criteria given above was to avoid obtaining ceiling effects.

4.   But the question is you have to design the experiment and you have to be the expert.

5.   You will be asked to design experiments and be given other problems to solve.

6.   As its chief scientist, he has drummed up support for a public offering of stock, and helped design an experiment of his therapy.

7.   Both researchers specialize in learning and memory, and said that when they designed their experiments, they did not intend to study the genetics of fear or anxiety.

8.   Bound by ethics, the researchers could not design experiments in which human subjects, unlike animal studies, were placed under deliberate psychological pressure.

v. + experiment >>共 309
conduct 19.02%
do 6.68%
perform 5.21%
repeat 3.67%
try 3.45%
carry 3.30%
begin 3.01%
design 1.62%
run 1.54%
describe 1.54%
design + n. >>共 1056
system 4.01%
program 3.11%
building 2.66%
product 1.98%
house 1.47%
course 1.41%
clothes 1.13%
costume 1.05%
software 1.02%
car 0.99%
experiment 0.62%
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