1.   The dual arm design allows each wafer to be centred automatically without delaying transfer.

2.   Bacteria are believed to proliferate in dental waterlines because their design allows for water stagnation and the consequent development of biofilm in the lines.

3.   A new modular case design allows users to upgrade components easily.

4.   A unique neck design allows the keyboard to fit under the monitor to free up space.

5.   Bucher said the mansard roof design also allowed an additional story, rather than just attic space.

6.   First, the compact design allows for efficient packaging under the hood.

7.   He said the design also allows the possibility for the wrong player to collect unintended votes.

8.   Improving that insulation is key to raising efficiency, but manufacturers want to avoid reducing interior space or making the box bigger than standard kitchen designs allow.

9.   Its design allows for above-water viewing on deck and underwater discovery in a spacious cabin six feet below the waterline.

10.   Its design allows water to flow into the gutter, and keep out leaves, needles, and other debris.

n. + allow >>共 1353
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technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
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design + v. >>共 356
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look 1.47%
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