1.   The report describes instances of discrimination.

2.   But witnesses before a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Government Affairs described numerous instances in which people had been duped into believing they had won prizes.

3.   For example, he described an instance where his advice was more conservative than that Enron received from the SEC.

4.   Lawyers for former inmates on Friday described numerous instances of abuse and neglect at the jail in recent years.

5.   The two men also described separate instances in which, they said, they heard the screams of two men who apparently were being raped.

6.   They described instances where it made seemingly minor concessions to the Serbs that left it impotent to achieve even limited goals.

7.   These officials also described instances in which managers retaliated against illegal aliens by dismissing them after they sought to report racial discrimination or sexual harassment.

8.   Boutros-Ghali describes several instances in which the United States and United Nations clearly disagreed, and lives were lost as a result.

9.   The report describes several instances in which gang leaders gave their approval for inmates to kill enemies from rival gangs or members accused of betraying the gang.

10.   Warf described one instance where a stillborn baby had abnormally large ears and a single eye in the middle of its forehead.

v. + instance >>共 101
cite 15.62%
find 7.21%
recall 6.31%
report 6.31%
see 4.50%
include 3.60%
describe 3.30%
detail 3.30%
remember 2.40%
document 2.10%
describe + n. >>共 2049
condition 2.00%
scene 1.49%
meeting 1.41%
situation 1.32%
man 1.06%
incident 0.93%
relationship 0.89%
work 0.88%
life 0.87%
plan 0.86%
instance 0.11%
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