1.   Founding shareholders are reluctant to dilute their controlling holdings or to sell shares at depressed prices.

2.   Firstly, despite the depressed gold price, mine production rose in most areas of the world and JM retained its leading share of this primary market.

3.   And with steep currency devaluations in countries like South Korea, American exports have been competing against cheaper goods, forcing depressed prices lower.

4.   After four years of depressed prices, wool had returned to its traditional position as the top rural commodity.

5.   But as traders grabbed shares at depressed prices, the market ended little changed, after plunging on Monday and Tuesday.

6.   But the depressed price, some analysts contend, is strictly an issue of a lost appetite for smaller stocks.

7.   But they are worth more than their current severely depressed stock prices, Behrens added.

8.   Crude oil made a nice rally from depressed prices, but natural gas sank.

9.   Depressed prices, however, are enabling collectors to obtain rare coins for a pittance compared with a decade ago.

10.   Depressed stock prices often make for good buying opportunities, but ING Barings analyst Stewart Halpren sees it differently.

a. + price >>共 506
stock 18.62%
higher 8.77%
lower 6.54%
high 5.26%
low 3.29%
gold 2.24%
rising 2.12%
wholesale 1.77%
falling 1.76%
copper 1.10%
depressed 0.21%
depressed + n. >>共 205
area 8.23%
price 8.12%
market 5.86%
people 5.07%
patient 4.96%
economy 4.74%
level 3.83%
state 2.93%
region 2.37%
share 2.14%
每页显示:    共 72