1.   Aid workers said the Tanzanians had deployed thousands of extra soldiers to the area in recent days.

2.   Bush took aim at Clinton both for his Balkan actions and for deploying thousands of troops to help restore democracy in Haiti.

3.   But it has also deployed thousands of troops and security officials who have created an atmosphere of terror.

4.   But the Clinton administration has been far too hasty in committing itself to deploy thousands of American troops for this purpose.

5.   He is deploying thousands of troops to assist local police and civilian authorities.

6.   Instead of sleigh rides, Floridians deploy thousands of decorated water craft along our natural rivers and channels gouged out of the ground by the Army Corps of Engineers.

7.   Over the decades, the Navy deployed thousands of ships, airplanes, submarines and satellites to collect such data.

8.   The Democratic measure would pay to train and deploy thousands of undercover armed sky marshals on domestic and international flights.

9.   The United States and the Soviet Union both deployed thousands of tactical nuclear weapons close to the front lines of the Cold War in Europe.

10.   Those who remain live in fear, and the New Delhi government has been forced to deploy thousands of soldiers to guard the scattered Hindu enclaves.

v. + thousand >>共 989
kill 5.17%
send 3.14%
have 2.89%
draw 2.42%
attract 2.08%
leave 1.89%
cost 1.86%
spend 1.58%
save 1.49%
involve 1.29%
deploy 0.88%
deploy + n. >>共 382
troop 20.76%
force 9.06%
police 7.39%
soldier 4.71%
army 3.47%
missile 3.17%
peacekeeper 2.65%
thousand 2.29%
hundred 1.99%
unit 1.60%
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