1.   There was a pause in which Bandeira visibly deployed his forces.

2.   A maximum security alert was sounded in New Delhi, and the army and paramilitary forces were deployed at strategic locations around the city.

3.   It was also implied that these illegal forces had been deployed in western Kenya where they were being used to foment ethnic violence.

4.   The deaths were the first among ECOMOG troops since the multinational force was deployed in NPFL areas under the April Geneva agreement.

5.   Military observers, including the C.-in-C.

6.   Already, fire officials have deployed forces for what could be a bad season.

7.   American and British forces could be deployed within hours of any decision to attack.

8.   And yet the United States, as it deploys forces to police its global interests, seems vulnerable to almost anybody with a beef.

9.   Army Maj. Garrie Dornan said it was unlikely that any U.S. forces would be deployed along the confrontation lines separating Bosnians, Croats and Serbs for two weeks.

10.   A senior administration official said Clinton did not need Congressional approval for troops and estimated that the Kosovo force could be deployed in a matter of days.

v. + force >>共 523
use 19.55%
join 12.71%
withdraw 3.12%
deploy 2.57%
fight 2.42%
send 2.36%
accuse 1.79%
have 1.61%
lead 1.22%
attack 1.16%
deploy + n. >>共 382
troop 20.76%
force 9.06%
police 7.39%
soldier 4.71%
army 3.47%
missile 3.17%
peacekeeper 2.65%
thousand 2.29%
hundred 1.99%
unit 1.60%
每页显示:    共 275