1.   Another bill would deny citizenship to children born in the United States if their mothers were here illegally.

2.   He has already disavowed the part of the platform that would deny citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal immigrants.

3.   He also is uncomfortable with the idea of denying babies citizenship.

4.   He recalled that Dole said he had not read the Republican platform and then disavowed a provision that would deny citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.

5.   He said he worries that some immigrants may be denied citizenship because they follow the erroneous information.

6.   In addition to denying citizenship, those who fail to register can be denied government jobs, vocational training and student loans.

7.   It would deny automatic citizenship to children of illegal immigrants and short-term visitors.

8.   Pataki disagrees with the party platform, which says automatic citizenship should be denied to American-born children of illegal immigrants.

9.   Some will say this is a good argu ment for denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.

10.   The immigration plank in the GOP platform adopted this week would deny automatic citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants.

v. + citizenship >>共 163
grant 11.95%
have 11.04%
hold 8.52%
obtain 5.78%
take 3.88%
seek 3.88%
acquire 3.50%
receive 3.42%
claim 3.27%
renounce 3.04%
deny 1.90%
deny + n. >>共 402
charge 15.16%
report 12.33%
allegation 10.78%
involvement 7.92%
wrongdoing 7.76%
accusation 5.30%
claim 4.12%
request 1.82%
knowledge 1.79%
responsibility 1.77%
citizenship 0.09%
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