1.   Dentists can now make crowns that last forever, bridges that stay anchored, dentures that behave almost like real teeth.

2.   Dentists have been making crowns and false teeth from ceramics for years, because they are nontoxic, hard and white.

3.   Dentists make impressions of teeth, right?

4.   First, the dentist makes an impression of your teeth.

5.   In some cases, dentists will make a customized tray to hold the bleaching agent for home use.

6.   Investigators said that detectives arranged for the woman to call Lambriola and that the dentist made incriminating statements during the phone call.

7.   Since going to the dentist was no longer a necessary evil, dentists made it an unnecessary pleasure.

8.   Some dentists also make it a point to stop every few minutes and ask how you are doing.

9.   The most important discovery dentists made was the endless vanity of aging baby boomers.

10.   After that, radiologists take X-rays of any bones and dentists make imprints and X-rays of teeth.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
dentist 0.02%
dentist + v. >>共 159
be 11.54%
say 10.16%
have 4.67%
use 4.12%
make 3.02%
tell 3.02%
give 1.92%
prescribe 1.92%
try 1.65%
begin 1.10%
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