1.   Another, more severe, form of the disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever, is not well understood, but is gaining strength throughout Mexico and Latin America.

2.   By coincidence, Gubler said he had been working with a pediatrician in Surat on a viral infection known as dengue hemorrhagic fever.

3.   Dengue is once again well-established throughout Latin America, and the number of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever is creeping upward.

4.   He directed research into an outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Mexico in August that spilled over the border into the United States.

5.   He said there was concern about simultaneous epidemics of plague and a mosquito-borne viral infection known as dengue hemorrhagic fever.

6.   Its most serious form is dengue hemorrhagic fever, which can cause internal bleeding, vomiting, severe abdominal pain and death.

7.   Subsequent infections with other serotypes are then likely to produce dengue hemorrhagic fever, which can lead to massive hemorrhaging or circulatory collapse.

8.   To epidemiologists, the presence of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever is a harbinger of urban yellow-fever outbreaks to come.

9.   Although less deadly than Ebola, in which victims literally bleed to death, dengue hemorrhagic fever also causes high fever, vomiting and bleeding.

10.   He also reiterated that dengue fever did not only affect slum areas as believed by some people.

n. + fever >>共 169
swine 17.14%
football 4.77%
election 4.34%
pennant 3.69%
dengue 3.69%
merger 3.47%
soccer 3.25%
baseball 2.60%
cause 2.17%
lottery 2.17%
dengue + n. >>共 27
virus 18.92%
case 17.12%
fever 15.32%
patient 9.91%
outbreak 6.31%
epidemic 4.50%
sufferer 2.70%
victim 2.70%
control 1.80%
death 1.80%
每页显示:    共 17